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As an emerging, multi-disciplinary visual artist from a classical ballet background, I enjoy exploring a wide scope of practice. My work primarily encompasses performance and photography (as well as occasional sculpture, painting and dance projects). Through this practice, I aim to explore new concepts, emotions, and ways of working, as relevant to myself as an individual and the world around me. Currently my focus has been brought towards portraiture and notions of gender, as studied through experimental camera techniques. These ideas have been most recently expressed through my collections Bodyjewels & Bodyjewels 2, in which I also explore the stereotypical connotations of objects. 


The other prominent part of my practice concerns itself with performance, in particular, experimenting with the space between dance and performance art.  I am interested in playing around with these boundaries; exploring bodily movement as art, and seeing what new notions can be nurtured. Prior to dedicating my time to the visual arts, my life was based solely in classical ballet (which I studied at an elite-level for eight years). My training brought me to various locations across Europe, including Elmhurst Ballet School, England, where I completed my final years of tuition. Following the finalisation of my training, I was also fortunate to secure an apprenticeship with DJKT ballet company in the Czech Republic, however this was unfortunately deferred for both Covid-19 and injury. Over the years, I was fortunate to be trained by a range of brilliant teachers, most of whom were ex-principal ballerinas themselves. I will forever owe a debt to them for the great deal of knowledge they passed down to me.

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Elevate Exhibition

Exhibiting Artist with Post Datum 



The Nutcracker | Unable to perform due to injury

Core de Ballet Role, Birmingham Royal Ballet 



Peer Gynt 

Lead Role, Qld National Ballet School & Kelvin Grove Wind Orchestra



Other Performances

Lead, Soloist & Core Roles, Qld National Ballet School, Elmhurst Ballet School



Bachelor’s in Fine Arts (Visual Arts) | In progress

Queensland University of Technology, Australia



Certificate III in Visual Arts

Central Queensland University, Australia



Diploma in Professional Dance | Unfinished due to COVID-19

Elmhurst Ballet School, England 

Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Flamenco, Choreography



Advanced Diploma in Dance (Elite Performance) 

Qld National Ballet School, Australia 

Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Character,  Improvisation



1st Place & Most Versatile, Annual Ballet Competition

Elmhurst Ballet School, England



Runner up, Annual Choreographic Competition

Elmhurst Ballet School, England



Outer Space Gallery, Judith Wright Centre





Fashion Modelling & Creative Projects

Working with various pracitioners across Queensland



Apprenticeship, Professional Ballerina | Deferred for COVID 19

Divadlo Josefa Kajetána Tyla Ballet, Czech Republic

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